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No New Posts West Blue Seas.

To get from place to place in West Blue, all pirates alike have to travel on these seas. Beware however, that if you decide to travel through here, the chance of you stumbling onto a very abnormal sea creature is very high. Don't let them sink your ship, Captains!

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No New Posts Ohara

Ohara, the land of many famous archaeologist's, and the former home of notorious Straw Hat Pirate, Nico Robin. The Ohara land was run by members of the Oharan clan, whom were a group of scholars who resided in the land until all of their deaths in the year 1502 AOS. In Ohara, there was one thing that was most notable about the land, and that was its 5000 year old gigantic library tree. Besides that, the land itself was rather small, compared to other islands.

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No New Posts Ilusia

A very secluded land where the king, Thalassa Lucas, reins. Not a lot is quite known of the islands past, nor of its current existence, but rather there are very simplistic theories about the land and its King. First about Thalassa, the king whom at one point in his ruling pryed at the government about the man known as Monkey D. Dragon. It is quite possible after that, Government officials took control of the land, something that still lasts to this day.

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No New Posts Thriller Bark

Thriller Bark is quite plainly, what appears to be an island, but is really the worlds larget Pirate Ship. Though its considerd an island by most, the land itself was previously in control of Gecko Moria; one of the famous Shichibukai. Irregardless, the island is surround by an huge outer wall that goes around the island, the gate is a giant mouth that opens and closes. There are 4 separate chains that connect from the wall to the sky above the mansion. This island has an old broken inner stone wall encircling the island with towers and a moat. There is a mansion at the middle of the island surrounded by a semi-dead forest.

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West Blue

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newBookmarkLockedFalling The Rules
Trafalgar Law 1 157 by Roronoa Zoro
Nov 16, 2008 0:54:21 GMT -5


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Board Description
West Blue
One of the four legendary oceans found in One Piece, West Blue is known for various things. Like its family oceans around it, West is almost completely covered in complete ocean, with very few lands found around it. One of its most notable lands however, was Ohara, an island known for its inhabitants supreme knowledge of archaeology. However, twenty years before the island met its drastic fate, a single girl managed to escape unharmed; Nico Robin, the soon Straw Hat Pirate. Regardless, West Blue can be known to home part of the Military, with them taking up a whole island, while Gecko Moria led his own troops by their side.
Sub-boards:West Blue Seas, Ohara, Illusia, Thriller Park
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