Water 7

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Trafalgar Law 1 157 by Roronoa Zoro
Nov 16, 2008 0:54:21 GMT -5


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Water 7
Water 7 is a city known for it's Shipwrights. The Straw Hat crew stopped here to trade in their gold for Belly, as well as repair the Going Merry and restock. It is part of the route their log is on, heading there directly after Skypiea. Once, Water 7 had seven docks, each were large drydocks used for building ships. Each one was run by a different company. One day a student of Tom, named Iceburg united all 7 docks into one company, named Galley-La Company. Ever since the docks have worked as one, each taking orders and building ships as part of the same group, however Dock One is known for having the best shipwrights and building the best ships. Some of CP9 worked at Dock One attempting to get Pluton's Blueprints. Iceburg, as well as being the CEO of Galley-La Company, also is the beloved mayor of Water 7.
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