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No New Posts East Blue Sea.

To get from place to place in East Blue, all pirates alike have to travel on these seas. Beware however, that if you decide to travel through here, the chance of you stumbling onto a very abnormal sea creature is very high. Don't let them sink your ship, Captains!

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No New Posts Fuschia Village

This village is a very unique one indeed. The geography of this town is very unqiue, with it having a very mountainous physique in the back, while having a rather large ocean in the front. The place itself is rather secluded and unknown, and as such the townsfolk are often proud when one of their own become famous pirates. The leader of the entire village is named Mayor Woop Slap.

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No New Posts Shell Town

Shell Town, a very odd place compared to the other many towns in East Blue. Once upon a time, the Town was led by Axe-Hand Morgan, until he was stopped by Monkey D Luffy. Though the place is very peaceful, it is still in full control of the military. Pirates should do well not to stumble on here.

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No New Posts Shimotsuki Village

Shimotsuki Village is known for one of many things, that being the outstanding Dojo in which the infamous Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro, learn all if not most of his techniques. Come here if your looking to train under the skilled Sensei.

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No New Posts Organ Island.

With Organ Island being the very place where Organ Town is located, it at one point could be considered very peacefully. It would remain that way for forty years after its creation, and would only change after the arrival of the mysterious pirate called Buggy the Clown came and made wrecked the various homes. Villagers took shelter on another island and only returned after Straw Hat Luffy defeated the clown.

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No New Posts Gold Island

Gold Island, also called The Island of Rare Animals, is a place covered entirely by forests and has several different and strange animals, most of which are mixtures of two or more animals. Twenty years ago however, a group of Pirates stumbled upon the island looking for treasure, only when none was found; they left, leaving behind one of their precious Nakama behind by accident. The man, Gaimon, would continue to live on the island, protecting the treasure in which he thought existed with his life.

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No New Posts The Baratie.

The famous Baratie is an ocean-going restaurant found in the East Blue, and is lead by famous ex-pirate and now Chef "Red Leg" Zeff. The restaurant itself has about three to four decks, and also holds many ex-pirates and sailors and cooks. Zeff the owner is quite renowned for the shop's very good food as is often praised as feared for its high-quality food and fighting chefs, respectively, by both sailors and pirates alike. Though just a shop, the ship itself is very well developed and can easily fight off rival pirates.

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No New Posts Commi Island

Commi Island is the location in which the famous Straw Hat Navigator, Nami, grew up as a child. The island itself was like the many surrounding islands in its peaceful and simple nature. Only ironically like almost every other place, the towns inside the area, were taken over by infamous pirate crew; Arlongs Pirates. Together the group took over, using their power to force villagers to pay for their lives and would have continued if not for the help of the Straw Hat Crew.

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No New Posts Lougetown

A city of great porportions, and is often regarded as where the Pirate King, Gold D Roger hailed from and died at. Irregardless, the entire land is nearly covered entirely by the city, albeit a few steep hills. Most Pirates take refuge here to gather supplies for their long journay into the Grand Line, as such Lougetown is a convenient location very close to Reverse Mountain, just out of sight of the Red Line.

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East Blue

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newBookmarkLockedFalling The Rules
Trafalgar Law 1 157 by Roronoa Zoro
Nov 16, 2008 0:54:21 GMT -5


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Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
East Blue
The East Blue, one of the four many seas found along the Grand Line. East Blue, like its sister seas, comprises almost completely of ocean, with a few scattered lands here and there, and the border to the famous Red Line. At of the four seas however, East, is regarded as the weakest, and as such, Pirates whom made by threatening and power in the East Blue, are often considered low rate by the rest in the actual Grand Line. Many notorious Pirates hail from this location.
Sub-boards:East Blue Sea, Fuschia Village, Shell Town, Shimotsuki Village, Organ Island, Gold Island, The Baratie, Commi Island, Lougetown.
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